Promoting the growth and awareness of Ophthalmic Medical Technician Training Programs.
There are so few ophthalmic training programs, that when a new one starts up, COTP wants to ensure it is successful. As a community of ophthalmic training programs, we are very fortunate to have this opportunity to support one another through COTP.
Become a Member Today

COTP is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization for educational and scientific purposes including, but not limited to, promoting growth of ophthalmic training programs and promoting awareness of ophthalmic medical personnel through communication and interaction with groups affecting ophthalmic training programs.
COTP was established in 1994 and holds one membership meeting per year during the annual AAO and IJCAHPO national meeting.
COTP is $350/year for an annual membership
Download our Membership Application Here
COTP membership benefits include:
- COTP is on the ICA Board of Directors. Therefore, you will be involved in helping shape the accreditation process, which affects ALL ophthalmic training programs. This gives training programs the opportunity to have a voice and represent the interests of ophthalmic training programs.
- COTP performs a program director/instructor salary survey. As a member you have access to the results of this survey.
- An online COTP community site where members can share course materials, recommend textbooks, and chat with one another.
- All COTP members have access to IJCAHPO’s monthly educational webinars.
- COTP offers a newsletter that gives members the opportunity to share graduation stories and news surrounding their ophthalmic training programs.